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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

chevy chase
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by mammoo_03 Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:17 am

sir/mam, hope this thread would somehow change our outlook about criticism and being a critique.


Many intellectual "critics" have drawn an often quite useful distinction between "criticism" and "critique."

1. Some critics suggest that "critique" is all "criticism" which is concerned to explain how and especially why the problems and limitations it identifies in its object exist as they do: i.e. to explain what gives rise to and makes possible -- indeed, at times, makes necessary -- the existence of these problems and limitations. Critique, in other words, does not rest content with merely announcing that it finds object X to be problematic and limited in ways Y according to standards and criteria Z, but instead always proceeds beyond this to provide an explanation for why these problems and limitations exist -- and persist -- as they do. Criticism, therefore, includes "critique-al" as well as many "non-critique-al" methods and practices.

2. Other critics suggest that "critique" is roughly equivalent with what I have described above as "political criticism," while "criticism" is roughly equivalent in turn with "moral criticism."

3. Still others are even more precise than this in marking out a distinction between "critique" and "criticism." These critics suggest that "critique" is concerned primarily with understanding an object sufficiently to enable its "transformation" (and not merely its reformation) by accounting for its dynamic connections with and determinations of and by other objects within a series or totality of related objects. "Critique" attempts to understand why an object is as it is so that it can be changed, most often in a fundamental or radical way so that it will be made something substantially new and different such that the "old object" is either substantially improved and enhanced or has been substantially transcended and superseded. "Criticism," in contrast, is understood by these critics to remain content with passing "judgment" upon an object in a way which "reifies" the object, separating and freezing it in abstract isolation from its real and concrete relations with other objects. Criticism is not directly concerned with or interested in understanding so as to change its object.

How to Give Kind Criticism, and Avoid Being Critical

Every Thursday is Happiness Day on Zen Habits.

Can you give someone criticism without hurting their feelings or making them angry? Can you do it kindly?

I think that’s a difficult proposition for most people, but in truth it’s possible to give criticism with kindness and have a decent chance of having the person take it constructively.

Last week, it seems that my post on How to Accept Criticism with Grace and Appreciation struck a chord with many people. It seems that most of us have a hard time accepting criticism without getting hurt or angry or defensive … and just as many of us have a hard time giving criticism without making others hurt or angry or defensive.

Today, we’ll look at how to give criticism with kindness, so that the person who receives it is more likely to take it well.

We’ll also look at why criticism is often the wrong approach to take: positive suggestions are even better.

Why We Give Criticism

I think it’s important to step back and look at why people give criticism. There are a few common reasons (although there are many more possible reasons):

To help someone improve. Sometimes criticism is actual honest feedback, meant to help the person we’re criticizing. We want to help them get better.

To see a change that we would like. If we regularly read a magazine or blog, for example, there might be something that often bothers us that we’d like to see changed. Perhaps the person uses too many list headlines, or has too many spelling and grammatical errors. So criticism is meant to help get that change enacted.

To further the discussion. Criticism can be a way to get a good, intelligent discussion about something going, to take it to a new level, to explore new areas of the discussion, to give an opposing viewpoint, to impart new knowledge.
To hurt someone. Often we just don’t like someone, and want to get at them, attack them. Criticism in this case is destructive.
To vent our frustrations. Sometimes we are just frustrated with something, or are having a bad day, and need to vent that negative anger.

To boost our ego. Some people like to show how powerful or intelligent or knowledgeable they are, and use criticism as a way of doing that. They are puffing themselves up, challenging others, doing an Alpha Male thing.
Before you offer criticism, consider your reasons. If your reason is one of the first three, then this article is for you. If it’s one of the second three reasons, you won’t get anything out of this article. If that’s the case, I suggest you stop yourself and think long and hard about why you feel the need to do that.
Using criticism to help someone improve, to see a change affected, or to contribute to a discussion, are all good reasons for doing it. Now the question is, how to do it kindly, without attacking, so that your purposes are accomplished.

Why Criticism Hurts or Angers

People don’t often take criticism well, even if it’s done for good reasons (one of the first three reasons above, for example). But why? Why can’t they just simply see it as a way to improve?
Well, there are many reasons, of course, but here are just a few:
The criticism is mean-spirited. If you use insulting or degrading language, or put down the person in any way, they will focus on that, and not on the rest of the criticism.

It focuses on the person. If you focus on the person (”You’re a lousy writer”) instead of their actions, you will make them angry or defensive or hurt.

They assume you’re attacking them. Even if you focus on actions, many people take all criticism as an attack on themselves. No matter what your intention or language. They can’t take criticism in a detached, non-personal way. You can’t change that about them, other than pointing them to last week’s article (which will also probably be taken as an attack).
They assume they’re right. Many people assume what they say or do is right, and that the criticism is wrong. They don’t like to hear that they’re wrong, whether it’s true or not.

Now, there are other reasons, but I wanted to point out a few of the most common. You cannot change some of these things about the person receiving the criticism. You can try, but your success rate probably won’t be very great.
However, you can change your actions — how you communicate the criticism. Or whether you criticize at all.
How to Deliver Criticism Kindly (and Not Criticize At All)

Looking at the above reasons that criticism isn’t taken well, the keys are:

Don’t attack attack, insult, or be mean in any way
Talk about actions or things, not the person.
Don’t tell the person he’s wrong.
Don’t criticize at all.

But … what about giving kind criticism? How do you help someone improve, see the changes you want, or contribute to a meaningful discussion?

By offering a specific, positive suggestion instead.

So instead of criticizing, which is rarely taken well, offer a specific, positive suggestion. Let’s take a look at the elements of this method, why it works, and how to do it:

Suggestion, not criticism. As people sometimes will assume that you’re attacking them personally, no matter how nice your criticism and how much you focus on actions, a criticism is often not the way to go if you want 1) for them to improve; 2) to see actual change; or 3) to contribute to a meaningful discussion. Instead, suggest a change. A suggestion can be positive, it can be seen as helpful, it can be seen as an instrument for improvement and change. People often take suggestions well (but not always). So a suggestion is more useful than a criticism in many cases. Not always — sometimes it can be useful to give a nice criticism if someone is open to it. But in many cases, a suggestion is better.

Positive. Much criticism is negative. That hurts the discussion, because things can take an ugly turn from there. It hurts the person receiving it, making it less likely that they’ll take it as a way to change. Instead, be positive: “I’d love it if …” or “I think you’d do a great job with …” or “One thing that could make this blog even better is …”. And don’t do it in a sarcastic way … be genuinely positive. This keeps the discussion positive, and people are more likely to receive it in a positive way.

Specific. It’s easy to give vague criticism: “You’re a sucky writer,” “I can’t stand this blog,” or “You really should write better posts … this one is lame.” Anyone can do that. Being specific is more difficult: “I don’t like to see numbers in your headlines all the time,” “The first two paragraphs of your posts are long and rambling,” or “Your face is lumpy.” It’s harder still to make a specific, positive suggestion: “I’d love to see more images of kittens on Zen Habits,” or “Make my day and write a post about how to criticize your boss without him knowing you’re doing it,” or “I would appreciate fewer ads and more content.”

Be kind. It’s important that you be gentle and kind in your suggestions. People have a hard time accepting any criticism, gentle or not, but if it’s harsh, it’ll almost always have bad consequences. Instead, ask yourself, “Would I like to hear that about myself?” And: “If so, what would be the nicest way to say it?”

Relate to actions. Never criticize the person. Always criticize the actions. And when you’re making suggestions, make suggestions about actions, not about the person. Not: “Maybe you could become a less lumpy person?” Better: “I suggest you get face smoothener … it did wonders
for me!”[/justify][/justify]

Last edited by mammoo_03 on Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:39 am; edited 2 times in total
The Exhibitioner
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by v_wrangler Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:31 am

Thanks mamoo.

If I may, sana dito na lang ang comments:

CGP Loverboy
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by jenaro Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:39 am

thnx for sharing sir!napapanahon ito!imbes kasi magisip ng negative sa isat isa eh look at the bright side...positive criticism peroas much as posible honest ka...kung maganda maganda,iba iba naman tayong pananaw...u cant please everybody imho...kung di mo maplease ang iba try to please them kung di umobra,kaliwale...nyahahahhah 2thumbsup
Peter Pran
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by mammoo_03 Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:50 am

dale mo sir jenaro, ahihihi. we can play seriously but havin fun. hippie
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by evilution Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:54 am


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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by charles_manson Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:55 am

ilipat ko lang galing sa kabila mas bagay ata dito ito.

actually for me,all the comments and critics dito masama man o mabuti e healthy sa akin,it gives me improvement sa trabaho ko,ganun naman talaga lalo na kung artist ang isang tao,kailangan marunong kang tumanggap nang kritismo at komentaryo,minsan dito pa nga nakikilala ang isang artist kung palagi ito na pupulaan,syempre may mga kanya kanyang ego yan,kaya minsan yung iba di tanggap ang isang kritisismo o komentaryo,ang mas maganda siguro kung may papakita kang gawa para malaman nila kung hanggang saan ang trabaho mo kaya ,siguro di rin nila matanggap ang mga payo mo dahil wala silang makitang gawa mo,yun ay opinyon ko lang kaya siguro sila ganun,pero kung subukan mong bigyan nang pintas o komentaryo sa mga trabaho ko e ok lang sa akin dahil magbibigay karagdagan sa kaalaman ito sa aking trabaho,yun lang po ata ,sana maunawaan mo,at ito ay aking opinyon lang uli Very Happy
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by lakaivikoi Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:00 am

jenaro wrote:thnx for sharing sir!napapanahon ito!imbes kasi magisip ng negative sa isat isa eh look at the bright side...positive criticism peroas much as posible honest ka...kung maganda maganda,iba iba naman tayong pananaw...u cant please everybody imho...kung di mo maplease ang iba try to please them kung di umobra,kaliwale...nyahahahhah 2thumbsup
hahahahaha naiiyak ako don....may tama ka sadik....kalewale...besides comments n critics nga eh...wag ln below d belt...ibang usapan na un... 2thumbsup
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by mammoo_03 Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:01 am

What is Constructive criticism?

Criticism is kindly meant that has a goal of improving some area of another’s person’s life or work. Often constructive criticism refers specifically to the critique of someone else’s written or artistic work, in perhaps a teacher/student setting, that would allow that person to further improve the work or to improve their approach to future endeavors.

However, constructive criticism can also apply to a critical reasoned analysis of a person’s behavior, as in a patient/therapist setting or a group therapy setting. Parents also try to employ constructive criticism to help their children improve their lives.

The trouble with constructive criticism is that not all people are receptive to it. They may either feel their self-esteem shrinking under criticism, or they may feel that all criticism is negative. This can destroy the intent of constructive criticism.

Further, not all people who think they are employing constructive criticism are actually being helpful. They may think all criticism is helpful and may not spare the person any details or couch the criticism in ways least likely to make a person defensive.

Communication is loaded with multiple intentions, especially in a parent/child or spousal relationships. Thus people may not know how to actually employ a critique of one aspect of a person without involving their own feelings or frustration that make a critique negative.

Generally, constructive criticism should address an area that needs improving but does not speak to the person’s self. Constructive criticismcriticismcriticism should be a reasoned, unemotional response in an effort to teach. In spousal communication, constructive criticism is often shaped as the “I” message: “I feel X, when you say Y.” In parental relationships, constructive criticismcriticismcriticism generally works best when the timing is right. A child who has just lost a game, for instance, might be better served by encouraging words, rather than a performance critique.

Later, one might ask the child what she thought about her performance. Asking what was the best thing she did and what was her weakest moment can often open a conversation up to a non-negative way of helping a child improve. Many children know exactly what they did wrong in a game, struck out, dropped a ball, etc, and would rather talk about how to fix it, than to be told what they already know.

A similar approach is taken between a therapist and a client. The therapist usually resists direct criticism but helps the client find ways to talk about behaviors and solve problems. This kind of relationship bases its approach on the theory that the therapist best serves the client by helping them identify and resolve problems and issues, instead of pointing out the issues and presenting a solution to the client.

In teacher/student relationships, constructive criticism tends to be far more helpful than a blunt critique of a student’s defects. Questions on a paper and also praise in some areas can make constructive criticism easier to receive. Although, some students do jump to the point and want to immediately know what they did wrong.

Some teachers provide very helpful guidelines prior to a student writing a paper or essay. Telling the student ahead of time that the paper must have five paragraphs, a clear thesis statement, a conclusion, etc, often eliminates problems before they occur. If a student has then not fulfilled the requirements of the essay, help can be given in the areas where the student’s performance is weak.

In all cases, constructive criticism runs the danger of being perceived as negative. In these situations, it is unlikely that any criticism will actually provide help. Even when a person tries to present criticism in a non-emotional way, it may still be considered a personal attack. The only way to approach this is by truly being constructive, kind and helpful, and realizing that not all people are going to appreciate what you might have to say.

Last edited by mammoo_03 on Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by nomeradona Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:23 am

sa art critique naman is different. we often dont say we like this we dont like that. rather its more on analysing and interpreting the art.. ika nga trying to go deeper critically, analytically and contextually. by the way thanks mamoo for this topic. you explained it well.

Last edited by nomeradona on Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by pedio84 Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:34 am

ayos to si mamoo. good explainaaation 2thumbsup
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by mammoo_03 Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:47 am

salamat mga kapatid at nagustuhan nyo. salamat ulit sa pagdaan at pagcomment.
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by chevy chase Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:41 pm

mammoo_03 wrote:What is Constructive criticism?

Criticism is kindly meant that has a goal of improving some area of another’s person’s life or work. Often constructive criticism refers specifically to the critique of someone else’s written or artistic work, in perhaps a teacher/student setting, that would allow that person to further improve the work or to improve their approach to future endeavors.

However, constructive criticism can also apply to a critical reasoned analysis of a person’s behavior, as in a patient/therapist setting or a group therapy setting. Parents also try to employ constructive criticism to help their children improve their lives.

The trouble with constructive criticism is that not all people are receptive to it. They may either feel their self-esteem shrinking under criticism, or they may feel that all criticism is negative. This can destroy the intent of constructive criticism.

Further, not all people who think they are employing constructive criticism are actually being helpful. They may think all criticism is helpful and may not spare the person any details or couch the criticism in ways least likely to make a person defensive.

Communication is loaded with multiple intentions, especially in a parent/child or spousal relationships. Thus people may not know how to actually employ a critique of one aspect of a person without involving their own feelings or frustration that make a critique negative.

Generally, constructive criticism should address an area that needs improving but does not speak to the person’s self. Constructive criticismcriticismcriticism should be a reasoned, unemotional response in an effort to teach. In spousal communication, constructive criticism is often shaped as the “I” message: “I feel X, when you say Y.” In parental relationships, constructive criticismcriticismcriticism generally works best when the timing is right. A child who has just lost a game, for instance, might be better served by encouraging words, rather than a performance critique.

Later, one might ask the child what she thought about her performance. Asking what was the best thing she did and what was her weakest moment can often open a conversation up to a non-negative way of helping a child improve. Many children know exactly what they did wrong in a game, struck out, dropped a ball, etc, and would rather talk about how to fix it, than to be told what they already know.

A similar approach is taken between a therapist and a client. The therapist usually resists direct criticism but helps the client find ways to talk about behaviors and solve problems. This kind of relationship bases its approach on the theory that the therapist best serves the client by helping them identify and resolve problems and issues, instead of pointing out the issues and presenting a solution to the client.

In teacher/student relationships, constructive criticism tends to be far more helpful than a blunt critique of a student’s defects. Questions on a paper and also praise in some areas can make constructive criticism easier to receive. Although, some students do jump to the point and want to immediately know what they did wrong.

Some teachers provide very helpful guidelines prior to a student writing a paper or essay. Telling the student ahead of time that the paper must have five paragraphs, a clear thesis statement, a conclusion, etc, often eliminates problems before they occur. If a student has then not fulfilled the requirements of the essay, help can be given in the areas where the student’s performance is weak.

In all cases, constructive criticism runs the danger of being perceived as negative. In these situations, it is unlikely that any criticismcriticismcriticism will actually provide help. Even when a person tries to present criticism in a non-emotional way, it may still be considered a personal attack. The only way to approach this is by truly being constructive, kind and helpful, and realizing that not all people are going to appreciate what you might have to say.

wow. this is a holy grail. more power po sa lahat.

chevy chase
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by mammoo_03 Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:02 am

salamat mga sir, i got this on one blog i researched regarding constructive critisicm. i hope makatulong for the better and best of our capabilities (designers/visualizers/artist/etc.).
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by celes Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:54 am

i have read through all this and it's good, but in general in only takes one word to spoil the whole formula. so, i have a suggestion

1: prequalify the TS's avatar:
a. serious avatar
b. funny/cute avatar

2: prequalify the TS's alias
a. serious alias
b. patawa alias

3: prequalify the TS's signature
a. serious signature
b. not so serious signature

4. prequalify your relationship with the TS.
a. you don't know him/her personally
b. you know him/her personally

5. prequalify the TS way of posting
a. never or rarely posts light hearted / tongue-in-cheek comments
b. the reverse of a.

6. if you got more between 3-5 a's above, be careful with your comments. better yet, don't comment at all. cos a simple word (and you'll never know which one) will hurt them.

7. if you got more between 3-5 b's above, then you can say / comment all you want without worrying of offending the TS.

8. for both 7 and 8 always maintain respect no matter what.

in a nutshell, since we don't know each other well to determine what are "sensitive" comments to each other, the best we can do is to profile someone via the obvious. (clarify ko lang po.. serious po ang alias ko :p What a Face )

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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by 3DZONE Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:52 am

bow ako dyan sir mammoo, nadale mo.....sana lahat makabasa nito, para naman maging part na rin ng ating forum ethics..... peace man

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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by v_wrangler Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:55 am

actually mas gusto ko ang suggestion ni mushroom. Witty. Isa pa sana pag nagpost ka at ayaw mo ng comment - say it. Para si sayang ang effort.

Mush, yong avatar ko ba seryoso?

mamaya ulit ako sasagot - pagaralan ko suggestion.

Mamooo - it strikes me kasi naalala ko ikaw nga pala ang unang nag-comment dun sa kabilang thread.
CGP Loverboy
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by pixelburn Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:02 am

v_wrangler wrote:actually mas gusto ko ang suggestion ni mushroom. Witty. Isa pa sana pag nagpost ka at ayaw mo ng comment - say it. Para si sayang ang effort.

Mush, yong avatar ko ba seryoso?

mamaya ulit ako sasagot - pagaralan ko suggestion.

Mamooo - it strikes me kasi naalala ko ikaw nga pala ang unang nag-comment dun sa kabilang thread.

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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by hibachi Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:13 am

I agree!
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by v_wrangler Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:29 am

Para naman kayong band of brothers. Hindi ba ako pwedeng magpost ng makikinig muna kayo bago kayo humirit?

let the mods do their jobs and decide, post ka ng BTT eh ikaw din OT ka. Smile Di po ba nakatulong senyo ang critiques ko in the past?

Anyways, your wish is my command:

Giving a critique is a diffiuclt thing. When you post images here - you are basically subjecting your work to the eyes of the audiences. Some of them know what they say, some don't. Some beg to be critiqued and some are balat sibuyas. So the solution is to remove the critique thing di ba? But if you remove the criticisms or advices, then your work suffers and well be like a party of fools. So in the quest for perfection (para lang sa gustong matuto!), here's my humble advice:

be critical of your own work. Do it and fix it well before somebody say so. Otherwise, whether you like it or not. Someone, somewhere, someday they will still say its pangit when its pangit.

Now is that on-topic?

Last edited by v_wrangler on Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:36 am; edited 1 time in total
CGP Loverboy
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by charles_manson Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:33 am

oo nga noh,dapat pala di muna ako post nang work ko dito lalo na kung di pa ako sure,maging critique nalang ako,mas madali pa
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by Joaquin Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:36 am

Ayos toh! blood brothers' parang ninja kids sama ako dyn!
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by hibachi Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:39 am

Joaquin wrote:Ayos toh! blood brothers' parang ninja kids sama ako dyn!

hahaha... ninja kid 1 ako... pero teka ok lang ba kung newbie ako?
CGP Newbie
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by mammoo_03 Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:42 am

sir v_wrangler, isa nga po ako sa mga nagcomment sa kabilang thread. no worries po, again, i think its part of our profession.

Naalala ko nga nung college kami, deliberation nang design, sangkatutak na criticism ang inabsorb namin, almost madurog ang damdamin namin nang ka partner ko nuon sa thesis, but at the end we learn a lot from our superiors and mentors. its hard to accept at first, especially emotional attachment to that situation take over rather than your open mindedness.

Sabi nga sa amin after nun, "mga bata, buti ganito lang dito sa eskwelahan, after nitong araw na ito, may mas matitindi at mahihirap na sitwasyon pa kayong haharapin, especially sa napili nyong propesyon, ang sa amin lang ay inihahanda namin kayo para sa isang makatotohanan realidad nang pagiging arkitekto".

hope nakatulong ulit ang inyong lingkod.

magbato pa tayo nang ideas para mapaigi pa ang ating forum/organization.

salamat cgpinoy.
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by v_wrangler Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:45 am

salamat mammoo, I appreciate your calm understanding.

For all, Sana at pakiusap lang, Kung pwede - if you feel the urge to say something unrelated like some of the posts above (no offense meant) . At least lets give the courtesy to the other readers by saying your OT thing and making sure you say something along the post about the topic.

I am supposed to write it in the suggestions but this thread is a good example. I am going to call neil attention now. and ask him to move and reconsider this post I made.

Just like sa ibang professional forum, if you post, you should write something or put a link of something that would benefit the readers. I think mawawala na yang passers-by.


Para maiwan sa isip ng susunod na sasagot.

My suggestion again and I repeat: Be critical of your own work, what do you think?

PS. Kung meron pong gustong sabihin na personal, pwede po bang sa PM na lang. Maraming kapupulutan ng aral itong thread, baka pa magaya dun sa thread ko.

Last edited by v_wrangler on Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical) Empty Re: Critique vs Criticism and Giving Kind Criticism (avoid being critical)

Post by celes Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:47 am

strange. i see a pattern here. anyway.. akin na lang un :p

vertex yup seryoso yan napakatimely nga, dapat talagang takpan bibig mo nowadays (me swine flu kasi ngayon lol)

(now - if i addressed that quip to a CGP member with a vitamin B deficiency most likely dugu dugo na ang likod ko.) - translation - kung ang pinagsabihan ko niyan eh pikon at di ko kilala, iba dating niyan. isn't language so complex?

this is precisely why a critique or comment is not based on what you say, but on the circumstances surrounding it.

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