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Problems with Vray SK settings (weird shaddows)

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Problems with Vray SK settings (weird shaddows) Empty Problems with Vray SK settings (weird shaddows)

Post by Gab Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:26 am


this is my first question in your forum!
I found it last week and there are so many
interresting stuff, even if i can't read it all when it's not in english Smile
Quick presentation, i'm a 4th year student in Interior Architecture...
I am on Vray SK since 2 years now, but only started to really play with it since 3 weeks!
I have so much trouble to understand the settings for a good render from the interior!
Everytime my wall have weird shaddows on it and i don't know how to fix it!
Here is a picture from a try i just did:
Irrandiance map are -2, 1, 50, 20, i added as much antialiasing as i could...
tried to change the photons setting in the GI menu, but nothing changes!
I tried to check so many tutorials but i don't find anything about it, could you help me please?
h t t p : / / hpics.li/9ece3e8

Thank you


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Age : 34
Location : France
Registration date : 03/03/2012

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