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City Life Challenge @ www.ronenbekerman.com

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City Life Challenge @ www.ronenbekerman.com Empty City Life Challenge @ www.ronenbekerman.com

Post by bokkins Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:48 pm

City Life Challenge @ www.ronenbekerman.com

The long-awaited architectural visualization challenge No. 03 is here at last boasting a brand new website with an exciting and challenging theme – CityLIFE! This time you are tasked to explore one of the most complex and vast subject matter in Architectural Visualization, our urban way of living. Visit the new challenges main site to get started with your journey on this one. You will find all the challenge related information over there and keep on reading here to find out more about that site, how it came to be and and introduction to using it.

City Life Challenge @ www.ronenbekerman.com Citylife-archviz-challenge-join-the-ride
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Registration date : 18/09/2008


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