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Sarap mag Retopo sa 3d-Coat!

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Sarap mag Retopo sa 3d-Coat! Empty Sarap mag Retopo sa 3d-Coat!

Post by Modoler Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:00 pm

Had a hard time doing retopo in Zbrush so I tried to do it in 3d-Coat (so easy). I'll try Topogun next to see how it compares.

The second picture is the retopo mesh after projecting details from the original sculpt topology (first picture, w/ polyframe on for duplicate). Last one is the u.i. screenshot of 3d-coat's retopo tools.

Sarap mag Retopo sa 3d-Coat! Prosource

Sarap mag Retopo sa 3d-Coat! Retopo

Sarap mag Retopo sa 3d-Coat! Coatview
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