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marikina city hall complex redevelopment

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marikina city hall complex redevelopment Empty marikina city hall complex redevelopment

Post by eva endrina Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:38 pm

pahinging suggestion kung ano anong mga dapat iconsider sa pagredevelop ng isang city hall complex particularly sa marikina pls..........

eva endrina

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Registration date : 08/08/2012

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marikina city hall complex redevelopment Empty Re: marikina city hall complex redevelopment

Post by jen_tol84 Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:49 pm

Consider mo siguro how to minimize or prevent the area from flooding, like putting flood barriers, storm drainage...
yon kong binabaha jan sa area na yan sir.
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marikina city hall complex redevelopment Empty Re: marikina city hall complex redevelopment

Post by KreativeKingdom Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:24 pm

Do the research by actual observation, existing data & conduct survey. by this way, you will specifically identifying all the needs & state the problems on that particular area. flooding is one of the problem but there are also socio-economic, environment, historical, land avialability...etc. to consider.
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marikina city hall complex redevelopment Empty Re: marikina city hall complex redevelopment

Post by Maryjanelovesyou Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:49 pm

Hi Eva...of PUP Bs Arch? LOL yeah and then maybe you should conduct survey and interviews sa mga empleyado ng City Hall... kung ano ba yung existing problems nila na pwedeng mo i-Solve architecturally at dun ka magcome-up ng design solution. Mas maganda na rin pumunta ka at mag-ocular observation kung saan places ang crowded at offices na need talaga ng expansions

BTW Sino prof? dyan si Sir Domingo ba?

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marikina city hall complex redevelopment Empty Re: marikina city hall complex redevelopment

Post by tutik Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:21 pm

marikina is my hometown and i know that since BF sat as a mayor he established a grand masterplan for marikina. it would be good if you can learn about the masterplan (perhaps call up the mayor's office) so that you can hook up your thesis in relevance to marikina's future plans. i heard there's a plan to build a sub-network of train system (connecting the barangays) that will connect to the mrt system, so that's one hint to make provision for an LRT station within the city hall.

"perception is everything"

marikina city hall complex redevelopment 10167288@N07
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